The massive influx of federal money for Amtrak from the infrastructure law will help the Chicago-to-St. Louis corridor — even though much of the rolling stock on the corridor has been replaced over the last decade, says Normal Mayor Chris Koos, a nominee to serve on the board of the passenger rail system.
The Town of Normal is exploring how to redesign a 1.85-mile stretch of Vernon Avenue, running from Beaufort Street on the west to Towanda Avenue on the east.
When Glenn Elementary students and their families reach Normal’s busy Fell Avenue, crossing guard Gayle Thomas is there to meet them. The retired construction manager, who's a great-grandfather, stands at the ready each weekday.
The federal government has signed off on higher speed Amtrak passenger trains between Chicago and St. Louis, running through Bloomington-Normal, completing more than three decades of effort to bring high-speed rail to the state and the nation's passenger rail service.
A bill moving through the state legislature to make the tax base larger for the Central Illinois Regional Airport also would increase the maximum tax rate that could support the facility. It has passed the Senate and cleared a House committee.
The Bloomington City Council on Monday OK’d a plan to transform the aging Market Street parking deck into Connect Transit’s new downtown hub.
Connect Transit’s proposal to transform the Market Street parking deck into a downtown bus hub could get Bloomington City Council approval Monday.
Commute with Connect is a van rental program for groups of four to 10 riders with similar shifts to get together and rent a vehicle. The cost to riders is $700 per month, split among the participants sharing that vehicle.
The mayor of Normal said he's had it with lengthy traffic jams caused by freight trains. Chris Koos said this has been an issue before and the Union Pacific Railroad has addressed it, but there has been backsliding.
Normal Mayor Chris Koos is conditionally endorsing doing away with bus fares in the Twin Cities, but says he still wants to see a concrete proposal before fully committing.