The mayor of Normal said Tuesday there is a second potential developer of a sports complex. He declined to say specifically who.
"It is a group that is well known to the community and it is a group with considerable resources. They are intrigued by it," said Koos.
Developer Katie Kim and landowner Dave Stark have been talking to stakeholders for more than a year. Some public officials have said the land price is too high to make that a viable proposal.
Koos also said the timeline is tight to make a decision.
"I think in the next six months the parties that are interested in moving this forward should be able to state that, and the parties that are not interested in moving this forward should be able to state that as well," said Koos.
Koos said a potential $43.6 million project would require significant public and private investment. He says the Town of Normal's capacity for investment is not all that high right now.
The mayor said he still believes a sports complex can't happen without a public-private partnership. A new report on prospects for a facility has not changed his position of several years, said Koos.
Koos said the city and town will have to decide whether the area wants a complex and whether the municipalities have the funding capacity within a year and a half—the time the consultant said the report will remain valid.
Koos said it will not be an easy lift.
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