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Normal Council Hopeful Claims 'Disconnect' Between Town, Public

Stan Nord in studio
Eric Stock
Normal Town Council candidate Stan Nord says the the governing body needs a voice to represent those he says the council doesn't hear.

A storage company owner says he was compelled to run for Normal Town Council because the town is spending too much on Uptown - at the expense of other businesses.

Stan Nord is among eight candidates seeking election to one of three council seats next April.

“There’s a disconnect between what the town thinks is a good business and what really is a good economic driver business,” Nord said. “The town looks mainly at retail sales tax dollars.”

Nord said the town doesn’t offer specific economic incentives for small businesses while spending huge economic incentive dollars on projects where he said there is little to no net economic gain.

He said he explored this when he considered moving his Bloomington-based company.

“If somebody wants to grow a business in McLean County or in Bloomington-Normal, it is far better for you to close your doors in Bloomington-Normal and step outside the community because at least you’ll get an incentive or be welcomed to grow your business,” Nord said.

Nord added he's concerned about rising taxes, deteriorating roads and a lack of citizen representation.

“The town council votes unanimously on lots of things on big issues that divide the town,” Nord said. “If the town is this divided on incentives for Uptown Normal but yet the entire council is voting unanimously, then there is a disconnect.”

He proposes the town work with Bloomington on a joint library community center project since both have libraries considering expansions and possible relocations.

“Each town could save, let’s say, $5 million and each one spend $15 million, a library and community center that is $30 million is a bigger facility than any one town can do at once,” Nord said.

Full segment from GLT.

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Eric Stock is the News Director at WGLT. You can contact Eric at ejstoc1@ilstu.edu.