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Hauman Won't Seek Re-Election to Bloomington Council

Diana Hauman
Bloomington alderman Diana Hauman expressed frustration that she was unable to help unite the city council.

Bloomington alderman Diana Hauman has announced she will not seek a second term on the city council next year.

“I’m disappointed that I haven’t been able to make more of an impact in terms of bringing our council together as a team,” Hauman said.

Hauman made similar comments last week when the city council approved hiring Tim Gleason as city manager, but she said she decided earlier this year to exit after one term.

Hauman represents Ward 8, which covers parts of southeast Bloomington.

“With my background in organizational development and leadership develop, I thought I’d be able to make a different kind of impact than I’ve been able to make,” Hauman conceded.

Hauman praised city staff as “phenomenal,” but directed her frustration at the council and mayor Tari Renner.

“I don’t see the leadership that I want to see from our mayor, and it’s not something he hasn’t heard from me before," she said.

Hauman ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2017.

She said she’s making the announcement now to allow more time for others to consider running for the seat next April.

Hauman said she plans to stay involved with Kiwanis, Illinois State University Senior Professionals, the Multicultural Leadership Program, the McLean County League of Women Voters and others. 

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Eric Stock is the News Director at WGLT. You can contact Eric at ejstoc1@ilstu.edu.